Friday, January 30, 2009


It's Friday night almost 9 pm and I am doing my usual Friday night activity - studying! I find comfort in studying at places that are cheerful, full of people, and that have some background noise. This helps me to feel like I am a normal person who actually gets out in public and helps me to focus my attention to my studies since I have to block out background noise. So far this year, my favorite place to study is Panera. I sit in one of the 5 booths and make a little home for myself. I usually enjoy some coffee or a chi latte. I eat here a lot too. A new place I have been going to is the coffee shop called Common Grounds. I like their hot chocolate and it is good as long at it is not too crowded since it isn't very big inside. I like it best when I get a booth in the corner somewhere. My friends and I were there last night for several hours doing SAQs. These are self assessment questions that we get at the end of each case. They are a good way to monitor if you are actually learning the things that are important and going to be tested.
Well, I better get back to studying the cerebellum and basal ganglia. I really have to take advantage of the extra study time this weekend since the mid-unit exam was postponed to Monday. Yay for a fun study weekend........

1 comment:

marissa said...

Sara, I didn't know you had a blog! (I saw your comment on Emily's) So cute! Glad to hear school is going well!! Hope to see you sometime soon!!