My mom has really been on my case about not procrastinating. I completely understand where she is coming from, but it is much easier said than done. I am coming to the realization that I am indeed moving to Carbondale in less than a month!! In between now and then I have about a million things to get done. Here are the 4 basic categories:
Category 1 is thesis. I believe I have already touched on that one. I have already ran 1 plate of PCR and am going to go another one tomorrow, so I would say that is progress! Too bad there is still lots of writing to do once the data is analyzed :(
Category 2 is med school stuff. This includes things such as completing all proper vaccinations (I need a tetanus booster and TB test), finishing filling out financial aid forms and budget sheets, setting up utilities for my apartment, going through stuff in my house and either tossing, saving at home, or packing it (which is by far my least favorite part) and many other activities related to moving. I think the move is a really big stressor for me and my whole family right now. Can't wait until it is over! Did I mention I hate packing?
Category 3 is wedding stuff. I am trying to pick out save the date cards and have them ordered ASAP. Since the wedding is on a holiday and lots of people are from out of town, getting these done sooner than later will be key. My problem is that there are so many choices and makes my brain go crazy just thinking about it right now. Also, my soon to be mother-in-law, Kathy, is coming into town this Friday to go wedding dress shopping. This is one "to do" that I am actually really looking forward to. We have one appointment on Friday and 2 on Saturday and I can't wait! We are also hoping to check out the I Hotel which is where the reception is going to be, so I have to call and try and set that up. Other than that I want to try and finalize the wedding party soon and at least look for bridesmaid dresses. Once I start school I will have dramatically less time to work on wedding stuff. Better try and get as much in now as I can!
Category 4 is "other". The main other that I have coming up is I am having surgery on Thursday, July 24th. I have a deviated septum that has long hampered my breathing and I am finally going to get it fixed here before I leave for school. Although I am really excited about this, I am also very nervous. After all, it is MY FACE!!! Recovery will be about a week, so that will limit the amount of stuff I get done from the other categories. Luckily my dad will come up from Georgia to be here to help out :)
Overall, I am feeling really good about all of the stuff going on in my life. Each one of the things listed above is really wonderful and exciting even though each can bring on lots of stress. I think I am learning how to deal with all of these different things and find a good balance. I am just trying to do a little bit each day and I know that sooner or later it will all get done. I do have to thank my parents because without their encouragement, a little bit of pushing, and many lists I don't think I would be able to do it all. THANKS!