Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wedding Invitations

It is the season of weddings!  I love seeing all the wedding invitations as they come.  Each one is so unique and also very reflective of the individuals getting married and the overall feel of the wedding.  Several days ago, I sent in 4 RSVPs!  That means there are a lot of weddings coming up.  I still have one more I have to send back soon as well!  In addition to those weddings, I have two save the dates hanging on my fridge!  The first wedding of the bunch is my cousin Matt's wedding in Chicago on the 16th.  I am really excited for this one because I am always happy when my family gets to get together :)

On a related note, my wedding invitations finally arrived in the mail this week.  I have yet to see them, since they were delivered to my mom's house, but I am excited to see them tomorrow when I head to Champaign for the weekend.  Now there will be the long process of addressing all of the inner and outer envelopes and getting postage.  Luckily, my mom and her friend Sherry are taking care of my side of the guest list while Bill's mom Kathy is taking care of his side.  I hope they go out in the mail soon because the RSVP date is May 30th!  That is really soon.  We decided to get them back in a little early because I know people always send them back late, so hopefully in this case they will all be accounted for before 4 weeks before the wedding.  

YAY for weddings :):)

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